well, not really
but I'm too bored to think of a proper title
Bored, yes!
I haven't posted in a while *sigh*
well, reasons:
a) I have been working a little on my
forumb) No broadband! Again! *shock horror* ah well it comes back soon :)
c) reading comics!!! The Phoenix Requiem, Earthsong, Undertow, Brat~Halla, xkcd... maybe I'll link them all someday :)
d) trying new things... like listening to
Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven
e) Playing Evony (of course!) 24/7, 365 days a year!
well not really... but still!
f) being sick :( and scattered. BTW rain falls at approx. 9 kps!
g) writing!! Actually I might post one up...
h) drawing!! names of completed images: Sirene, Conquer of Malazan (From RP), Water Nymph
must show em to you!
i) working on 'Posiedon's Daughter'- I never realised the background would be so tedious!!
j) talking... whowhatwhenwhereandwhy don't matter >:)
k) preparing items! big community garage sale coming up, I have a whole bookshelf worth of books to give away! (and make a profit from... heh heh heh....)
l) school (blergh... enough said)
m) reading.... :)
n) Shuffling! or trying too.... RetroGen, I am going to kill you.
o) roleplaying with Ery *heart* so much fun! And great characters
p) training my ratties! *beam*
q) sleeping.... school & other activities only allows for about 5 hrs a night... *tired zombie face*
r) making banana faces! Yes, creating a detailed face out of a green banana, using nothing but a carving knife and a spoon :D *then the little brat had to squish it *mutter mutter**
s) catching up with long lost friends *hearts email*
t) Spider Solitare!!!!! argh....
u) Normal Solitare.... O_o
v) Working on enunciation... yes I have a drieeda' keewee ackcehn'... (a dreaded kiwi accent) so just to annoy everybody I've started speaking british xD
w) Singing!... not well.... and no, not in the shower either... sorry guys
x) Revising old internet accounts... long and tedious job. I hate passwords.
y) Wearing Silver Shiney Slippery No-Grip Astranout Boots! Sent down by grandma :D
z) Actually I've run out of excuses.... but it fit so well to have a 'z'!
oooohkay, I can't believe I just wrote all that 0_o
may go back and edit when its not nearly midnight....
but for now
Serpy over and out!